Friday, July 22, 2011

22 July 2011, Fri, Pres and VP Schedules
9:30 am The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

11:00 am The President participates in a Town Hall on the on-going efforts to find a balanced approach to deficit reduction
College Park—Ritchie Coliseum, University of Maryland
Open Press

1:35 pm The President meets with Prime Minister Key of New Zealand
Oval Office
Closed Press

2:20 pm The President and Prime Minister Key deliver statements to the press
Oval Office
Pooled Press

2:45 pm The President meets with Secretary of Defense Panetta and Admiral Mullen
Oval Office
Closed Press

3:30 pm The President meets with Ambassador Karl Eikenberry and Mrs. Eikenberry
Oval Office
Closed Press
9:30 am The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

11:00 am The Vice President administers the oath of office at a ceremonial swearing-in for Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
The Pentagon
Pooled TV, Open to Correspondents

Thursday, July 21, 2011

21 July 2011, Pres and VP Schedules
9:30 am The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

10:00 am The President meets with senior advisors
Oval Office
Closed Press

12:30 pm The President and the Vice President meet for lunch
Private Dining Room
Closed Press

1:45 pm The President meets with General Cartwright
Oval Office
Closed Press

2:05 pm The President meets with Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League (NUL), and Ben Jealous, President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Oval Office
Closed Press

2:30 pm The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of Treasury Geithner
Oval Office
Closed Press
9:30 am The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

11:00 am The Vice President meets with Ambassador Karl Eikenberry to thank him for his service in Afghanistan and throughout his career
Closed Press

12:30 pm The President and the Vice President meet for lunch
Private Dining Room
Closed Press

2:00 pm The Vice President meets with Prime Minister Andrus Ansip of Estonia
Roosevelt Room
Pool Spray at the Top

2:30 pm The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of Treasury Geithner
Oval Office
Closed Press

6:30 pm The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden host a barbecue for members of the Cabinet
Naval Observatory
Closed Press

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rush continues to harp on debt ceiling

The debt ceiling has been raised over 11 times since it's been put in place.

President Obama was all for spending cuts as well as raising taxes on the wealthy, but Rush only ever mentions that he wants to raise taxes but not cut spending.

That's called spin!

And of course he's at it again today.

Today it was revealed that Ronald Reagan *also* agreed to raise the debt ceiling. Ronald Reagan, whom Limbaugh calls prententiously, "Renaldus Magnus".

There was no need to cut this debt ceiling rise so close to the deadline. Raise it, and cut spending afterwards. Instead they've sent panic throughout the world, as the 50% of foreign folk, including China, who own half our debt, weren't very happy...

20 July 2011, Wed, Pres and VP Schedules

(VP Biden has no other public schedule except those with President Obama)

9:30 am The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

10:00 am The President meets with senior advisors
Oval Office
Closed Press

11:00 am The President participates in regional interviews on the economy and the importance of finding a balanced approach to deficit reduction
Diplomatic Room
Closed Press

1:00 pm The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of Defense Panetta
Oval Office
Closed Press

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Drudge Headline Focuses On Minor Obama Rather Than Major Republicans in Pakistani Arrest

There's a cliche about "Caesar's Wife." The wife of Caeser must be "above suspicion."

The same is true with sites like Michael Savage, Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, etc. These are sites in which Republicans and Conservatives would like to trust, and which Democrats should be able to come to to find out the truth about their elected officials.

So what did we get today?

On the Drudge report, there is a link to an article about a Pakistani "agent" who was a contributor to Obama, arrested.

But guess what. CLick on the link, go to the article at Politico, and this guy gave 500 whole dollars to Obama's campaign. He gave $5,000 to the Republican party!

Nor is he a spy. He's just an unregistered campaign contributor. Yet the headline composed - either by Drudge or a Drudge minion, tries to make it seem like he was a spy.

And I'm thinking to myself, does Drudge not think that poeople will click on that link, go to the original article, and read it? Does he not think that they're not intelligent enough to comprehend what they read and realize that they were a victim of the old "bait and switch"? This guy who was arrested gave thousands of dollars to the Republicans, and a few measly hundred to the Democrats.

An honest, unbiased headline would have pointed out - Republican Donor Arrested as Pakistani Agent. For Drudge to give any other headline is really disengenuous.

But this is not the first time it's happened. It's more egregious on the Michael Savage site, where headlines are inevitably rewritten in a pejorative way, and at least a third of the time, the article doesn't correspond to the headline at all.

But if someone doesn't have time to read the sites, but depends on the headlines to get their news of the day, how many of them are going to be swayed by those bogus headlines to believe the exact opposite of the truth?

19 July 2011, Tues, Pres and VP SChedules

9:30 am The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

10:00 am The President meets with senior advisors
Oval Office
Closed Press

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rush golfing until Wednesday

Mark Steyn will be his guest host.

I'll share news articles for the next two days.