Friday, July 1, 2011


I'm a woman, and I admit I was naive once, up until I got into my late 20s, I suppose (30 years ago!). It honestly never occurred to me that women would lie about being raped or abused. But the more you meet people, the longer you live, the more newspapers you read, the more crap tv shows like... is it Maury Povitz? some of those that you see commercials for (but believe me never watch!) you realize that some women do lie.

And those women deserve to go to jail for a long, long time, because they only make it that much harder for women who are legitimitely raped and abused to get justice.

But this is what Rush had to say about it.
Story #2: Chicago Conspiracy? Was DSK Set Up by the Maid?

RUSH: [...] The new IMF woman replacing this guy happens to be from Chicago. Anybody want to start talking conspiracies here? This is delectable. This is going to be fun

Fun? This guy's career has been ruined. This guy's life has been ruined. Similar to what happened to the Lacrosse guys at Duke. And Rush says it's going to be fun to see if he was actually set up?

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