Monday, April 18, 2011

Is Donald Trump a better Businessman than Mitt Romney?

Here's what Rush had to say about Donald Trump today:
Here's the audio sound bite. This is at a Tea Party deal on Saturday in Boca Raton, but this happened to be with Candy Crowley on Sunday's State of the Union. She said to Trump, "You're a better businessman, you think? It's a selling point for you over Romney?"

TRUMP: I'm a much bigger businessman and have a much, much bigger net worth. I mean, my net worth is many, many, many Mitt Romney. I would love to put that ability to work for this country. So I don't do it for myself, I'll be doing it for the country -- and guess what? That's what this country needs.

RUSH: This country needs me. Well, now, you can laugh at that. I'm just gonna tell you something: Everybody that's serious about running for office thinks that. Why else run? You almost have to. To put up with what that entails, you have to think the country can't get along without you. The country needs you. You have to have something driving you. Trump is just verbalizing it here -- and he didn't actually say (laughing) that Romney is not rich enough. That's a caption to a picture of Trump from Boca that the New York Post runs. That's how they interpret it.

In fact, the New York Post story: "I'm Better for Prez Because My Net Worth's Bigger Than Romney's -- Vote for me 'cause mine's bigger. Donald Trump yesterday fired the opening salvo in a macho battle of bank accounts with rival presidential contender Mitt Romney, dismissing the former Massachusetts governor as a 'small business' person and saying his own assets are 'much, much' larger than [Romney]'s. Trump, whose approval ratings have rocketed upward since he started hammering President Obama, yesterday turned his fire on Romney, considered by many the front-runner..."

The problem with Trump slamming Mitt Romney is that I don't think Romney ever had to declare bankruptcy. Nor did he have to call all his wealthy friends together and say - "Okay, you better restructure my debt so that I don't lose my millions, because if you do, you won't get anything."

Trump's still rich only because he has a lot of rich friends who came to his rescue...much as the goverment came to the rescue of the banks, the heads of whom were their friends...

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