So much so that they have been mocked for this. Rush frequently comments, "Well, it's Bush's fault," when talking about the problems plaguing Obama, but he doesn't really mean that, of course, he's mocking the Obama administration's blaming of everything on Bush, when, according to Rush, everything is Obama's fault.
Over at the message boards, they do it as well. It's very rare for the Dems and Republicans there to have an intelligent debate. Someone will critiize something that Obama is doing, another poster will say, "This started under Bush," and then the mocking of that poster will begin. "Yes, of course, it's all Boosh's fault."
Supposedly it shows a lack of class for a sitting President to blame an outgoing president for the problems (if any) that the sitting President inherited. This has been Rush's refrain since Obama took office. (Although he also says that the problems Obama has were created by him, not by Bush. But it must be admitted that the first failed stimulus went out under Bush...)
In any event, the point is that today, Rush was all upset because Huntsman, in announcing his plan to seek the Presidency, did not "attack" President Obama or his policies in any way, did not point out that Obama's policies were abject failures, etc. etc.
And Rush aired a couple of soundbytes of Ronald Reagan, on the campaign trail, excoriating Jimmy Carter for the problems the country had at that time. And Rush wants today's Republicans to excoriate Obama for the problems that we now have.
I just think it's funny that Rush, Hannity et al have always criticized Obama and his administration for blaming Bush for Obama'sproblems, yet praise Reagan to the skies for blaming everything on Jimmy Carter.
A bit of a double standard there.
Here's what Reagan had to say about Carter, when he was on the campaign trail:
REAGAN: The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. His answer to all this misery? He tries to tell us that we're only in a recession, not a depression -- as if definitions -- words -- relieve our suffering. Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one: A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his!
REAGAN: I have talked with unemployed workers all across this country. I've heard their views on what Jimmy Carter has done to them and their families. Let Mr. Carter go to their homes, look their children in the eyes, and argue with them that it's only a recession that put dad or mom out of work. Let him go to the unemployment lines and lecture those workers who have been betrayed on what is the proper definition for their widespread economic misery. Human tragedy, human misery, the crushing of the human spirit. They do it need defining; they need action.
SUPPORTERS: (applause)
REAGAN: Call this human tragedy whatever you want. Whatever it is, it's Jimmy Carter's. He caused it, he tolerates it, and he's going to appearance to the American people for it.
RUSH: Wow, can you believe this? How... Reagan, why, he was going after Jimmy Carter here! Jimmy Carter, this is misery. Whatever this human tragedy is, it's Jimmy Carter's. Meanwhile, the Republican consultants of today are advising every Republican, "Don't! Don't do that! Don't go out there and make this about Obama. You gotta attack the policies, but you can't mention Obama. Don't do that! You gotta be like Reagan."
Well, here's Reagan.
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